The Office of Legislative Affairs is responsible for advancing the President’s legislative agenda on Capitol Hill.

The White House Office of Legislative Affairs The workload will require accuracy, sensitivity, and quick response. This office has a unique need for interns who are able to take on serious responsibility due to the high volume of requests received from officials throughout the country. Interns within this office work alongside staff to build new and maintain current relationships with Governors, Tribal Leaders, Mayors, County Executives, and Commissioners. The Office of Intergovernmental Affairs is responsible for building relationships with state, county, local, and tribal officials. Interns will assist in digital content, design, and engagement. The Office of Digital Strategy uses digital platforms to amplify the President’s message and engage with citizens around the country online. Interns will work with White House staff to facilitate the office’s operations. Staff in the Office of Cabinet Affairs are in daily communication with Members of the Cabinet and senior agency staff. The office coordinates communications, policy, and logistics between the White House and the Cabinet, as well as managing issues that affect multiple Federal agencies. The Office of Cabinet Affairs is the primary liaison between the President and his Cabinet. Interns will have the opportunity to work closely with NEC staff by assisting with in-depth research, coordinating policy meetings, and providing general administrative support. The NEC has a wide-ranging policy portfolio including: healthcare, tax and retirement, the financial system, macroeconomics, infrastructure, agriculture, technology, telecom, cyber-security, energy and the environment, and trade. The National Economic Council coordinates the domestic and international economic policymaking process and coordinates economic policy advice provided to the President. Interns may also work alongside the speechwriting department on research and fact-checking. Interns will work closely with staff on specific policy areas including education, energy & environment, healthcare, immigration, infrastructure, labor, transportation, urban affairs, and veterans affairs.

The Domestic Policy Council supervises the development, coordination, and execution of domestic policy in the White House, and also offers advice to the President and represents his priorities to Congress. Learn more about internships within each department: Domestic Policy Council The replacement is required to be the same voltage and the same or less amperage, with the work being performed by a licensed electrical contractor.White House internships are available within across a number of different Presidential departments. In one or two-family dwellings, the repair or replacement of electrical lighting fixtures or devices, such as receptacles and switches.The work is performed by a licensed plumbing contractor and installed in accordance with the current edition of the North Carolina State Building Code.There is no change in fuel, energy source, location, routing or sizing of venting and piping.The energy use rate or thermal input is not greater than that of the water heater which is being replaced.Replacement of a water heater in one or two-family dwellings, provided:.The replacement of pickets, railings, stair treads and decking of residential porches and exterior decks.The replacement of windows, doors and exterior siding in residential structures.Residential accessory buildings where no dimension exceeds 12 feet.Farm buildings outside the jurisdiction of any municipality.Nonstructural work where the cost is less than $15,000 in any single-family residence unless the work involves new or altered plumbing systems, mechanical systems or electrical systems.